Refcast Corporation

The Importance Of Good Quality Silica Sand

Posted by Admin on August, 22, 2020

Some people believe that all types of sand are similar to one another but this isn’t true. To know the difference between the silica sand and its different types is quite interesting. But it is not right to get the wrong equestrian sand as it can lead to several problems. Like when you use it in ranch, the rider may have several injuries falling on the sand.

Choosing The Wrong Sand

You may see some sands slide and slip against each other and creates a surface which is never stable or compact. However, these particles also allow dust and slit to get trapped in the surface sand.

When it comes into contact with periodic heat and rain, it fuses and forms a rock-like structure. Therefore when you will land on this or fall of the horse, you may feel like you are landing on concrete. The equestrian grade silica sand has different properties and it behaves differently due to its sub-angular particles. The particles are compact and get interlocked creating an arena
surface with greater stability.

Get pure silica sand from washed silica sand exporter in India for use.

Uses Of Silica Sand

This sand is valued for its useful and amazing properties. It has low thermal expansion and high melting point. This is why it is a good choice for all kinds of application which involves high-temperature exposure.

Some example of silica sand uses are:


In manufacturing units of glass, silica sand is one primary component. It is a very important material that is used for both special and standard glasses. Strength, clarity and colour are dependent on the chemical purity of silica sand.
Silica sand is also used to produce flat glass that is used for automotive and building uses and also for container glass which stores beverages and food. This reinforces the glass fibre and is used for the production of fibreglass insulation. These are also used in the speciality glasses like scientific tools, test tubes, CRT monitors and television.
Therefore get good quality silica from washed silica sand suppliers Gujarat and use for different purposes.

Golf Course And Sports Field

On the synthetic golf course and sports field, silica sand is used for greens and bunkers. As it can support natural growth, it is used to maintain fairways and greens.
You get the required permeability because of its natural grained shape and also helps to facilitate day to day maintenance like fertilisers and root aeration.

Water Filtration

To remove the contaminants, silica sand is an effective bed for filtration. It is used for both filtrations of drinking water and processing of wastewater.
This sand neutralises the acidic element and then maintain the optimal pH balance in the water filters. It doesn’t react to contaminants, acids, solvents or volatile organics as it is chemically inert.

Metal Production And Casting

This is used for production of steel, non-ferrous and ferrous foundry industries for grain refinement and de-oxidation.
To get the desired external and internal shapes, silica sand is used to cast metal parts. This the best for cast iron, titanium, steel and also to clean the surfaces.

All these are possible if the quality of the sand is pure and top grade. Therefore get pure silica sand from reliable washed silica sand importers.

This entry was posted on August, 22, 2020 at 10 : 55 am and is filed under Washed Silica Sand. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response from your own site.

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